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Lyla is 12 years old and has been dancing for 10 of them! She dances at Dance Etc in Milford!  She just joined my Ambassador Team 2 years ago and has been amazing.


Amelia is 12 years old and has been dancing for 8 years. She dances at Le Jeune Dnace. Amelia is such a hard worker and literally dances everywhere she goes. She has been on my Ambassador Team for 4 years now! 


Megan is 17yrs old and dances at Z Company. She has been dancing for 12 years.  She joined my Ambassador Team 3 years ago and is such a pleasure to have on my Team!  

Unlimited Outfits
. Access to Maria's Client Closet of tossing fabrics/skirts/tutus
Discount at Vera Nova Dance Store
Wardrobe assistance  
Outdoor Location of Photographers choice
Studio location located in Sharonville
 Dancer may choose: Urban or Park setting Session Fee is $599

I do offer audition photos.

I also do photos for Dance Studios! Please contact me for more info.

**Ask about my "Duet Dance Session" with one Friend or my "Group Dance" Session with 6+ Friends!  

Also Serving West Chester Township, Liberty Township, Mason, Hyde Park, Sharonville, Kenwood, Norwood, Sycamore, Springboro, Centerville, and Surrounding Areas

Dance Photography in Cincinnati, OH

you'll hear from me shortly.

thank you!