Dance photo sessions can be very fun. However, they do take some preparation on your part. You can’t just show up and expect everything to go well. This post will help you to know what to expect and how to prepare, so your dance session can go as smoothly as possible! You dancer will love creating this special memory as it helps capture something they already LOVE on film! These tips will hopefully help they so they know exactly what to do and aren’t caught off guard!
- PREPARE: Please arrive dressed and ready to be photographed in your first outfit!
- STRETCHING Please be sure you have “warmed up/stretched” prior to arrival. If you would like to do any jumps/leaps be sure that they are prepared to do them for photographs if you would like to have them for photos! Also have a hair-tie for these shots so it keeps the hair out of your face. (Although I always have extra ones in my bag just in case you forget!). *Reminder: Don’t leave them on your wrist! Nothing ruins the perfect photo that leaving a HAIR TIE on your wrist!!*
- GROUPS: If you are taking photos with a group, you may consider coordinating outfits, such as all bringing a black leo, or black outfit, OR a certain color top with black leggings/shorts, etc. Or jean shorts and a certain solid color top, etc. This makes group shots, trio, duo, etc shots look great for photos!!
- POSING: I recommend having your dancers review and practice POSES prior to the day of the session and saving them to your phone so they know what poses they want to do for the session. You can find them on pinterest, instagram, my website, facebook and instagram pages. Be sure they have practiced them and knows which ones they wants to do! Saving and practicing the poses BEFORE the session helps make the session go smoother and helps create less gaps in shooting creating more images to choose from in their gallery. This is helpful since I do not know their skills or abilities for you to have poses saved you think they will be able to do and have tried! Please have at least 10 poses planned . I will be able to guide them on some poses beyond that. ALSO, if you are doing a group session, I will have each person one go one by one, right after another and do 2-5 poses, then the next one, etc. Then we will move locations. So they MUST know poses in ADVANCE. Save them on YOUR PHONE PRIOR TO.
- Outfit selection: For a photo session with me, I allow unlimited outfits. However, 4-5 outfits usually works best in the time frame we work together. Layering with skirts, and tutus is always a good idea. If you are en pointe, ALWAYS bring your pointe shoes. Bringing different combinations of outfits is a good idea: leggings with crop tops/bra tops, flowy skirts/dresses, etc. Always bring a pair of slip on shoes such a crocs or sandals to walk in between locations. I highly recommend checking out Vera Nova Dance Store in Mason and asking for Lori if you need any help selecting outfits! She will hook you up with the best outfits in town!!
Things to Note/Questions: I will have a pop-up changing tent with me at all times for your dancer to change in. You can also bring yours if you would like to. I also bring wipes to wipe the bottom of the dancers feet so they aren’t black in the photos. Another item I like to bring is a broom/dust pan, just in case there is glass/dust on the streets so we can tidy up so they don’t get their feet up in we are dancing in alley-ways, as well as a garbage bag so we can pick up any litter we may find along the way! (Always better to leave a place better than we found it). You will find me with my big red wagon, hauling all of my things around with me. I always have a step stool with me since I am only 4’11 as well!
That’s it! I will be sure to choose the PERFECT location! Whether you want urban, a perfect park, studio, graffiti, or something in between. I know of so many amazing gems hidden inside of the beautiful city of Cincinnati, that you will be amazed at what I come up with! Our session will either take place first thing in the morning, or a few hours before sunset. Unless of course you booked in the studio, then it really doesn’t matter! I cannot wait to work with you! Be sure to check out my work on social media as well as on my website and we will meet soon! And of course, let me know if you have any questions! XOXO Maria
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